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Support Groups

Cuppa and a Chat 2025

Online peer facilitated support group 
Sessions for 2025 coming soon!

Tēnā koutou katoa 
I'd like to invite you to share an informal Zoom 'cuppa and chat' with me on Zoom in 2025. We'll be announcing the dates for our online support group in the new year, and, as for 2024, you'll be able to register for the session you prefer by clicking on the buttons at right and completing the online form.  We'll share our experiences of breast cancer 'over a cuppa', and give and receive support within a confidential and peer-facilitated space.  Please pre-register for the group, there's more information below, and I'll look forward to seeing you.   
- Liz Pennington, Chair Breast Cancer Support Aotearoa

What we'll do
We'll talk and share our experiences with others within a confidential and safe space.

We welcome anyone with a lived experience of breast cancer (of any age and stage of their breast cancer journey) to participate in this peer-led online support group. The group provides a welcoming space to connect with others who share similar experiences, a place to give and receive support.

The session will run approximately one hour.

If you'd like to talk, listen, and share with others, grab a cuppa and join us. The session will be facilitated by BCS Chair, Liz Pennington, who is a breast cancer survivor and works within the health and wellbeing space. 

Pre-register here
Please click on the link below for the group you'd like to join.  Once registered, you'll receive a confirmation email with the details for joining the meeting.   These emails can sometimes go to Junk or Spam folders, so please check if you don't receive a confirmation from Zoom.   If you don't receive any confirmation at all, please email us.  

If you'd like to attend and prefer not to pre-register or are unable to pre-register,  please email us and we'll register you.

We look forward to seeing you in 2025!
Nga mihi nui 
Breast Cancer Support Aotearoa (BCS)  

2025 Cuppa and Chat Dates*

To be announced (TBA)

*Dates may be subject to change. 

Christchurch Support Group

Our Christchurch Support Group meets every third Sunday of the month for lunch or morning tea at various cafes around Christchurch.
Join us for a coffee, food, and plenty of good conversation. 
Phone 0800 273 222 for more information or visit our Facebook page for the latest meeting dates, places and times (PM us if you like). 
We look forward to seeing you.  

Walking all over the Shore

Walking all over the Shore is a social walking group meeting in various locations on the North Shore (Auckland) for gentle walks and coffee. We post details on our site when we receive them so please check back with us for notice of upcoming walks or contact Judith or Mae for information.

Judith    027 2414 515  
Mae        021 530 594