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Listen when we say,'something isn't right.'

By Jane Bissell

Every now and then I hear breast cancer referred to as 'a good one to have', with the add-on of, '... and you can just cut it off, can't you?', usually said by someone who hasn't experienced a cancer of any kind.  

Okay, I suppose as cancers go, that may be true. Survival rates are very good for breast cancer and improving all the time. There is a continual battle here in New Zealand to have publically-funded access to the world-class, clinically proven cancer treatments that other countries enjoy, and many tireless advocates have fought long and hard to get that access and improve outcomes for all cancers.

But there is one key aspect of any cancer that is of critical importance: catching it early.

It is an unfortunate reality that we often hear of a woman sent home by a doctor or clinician after presenting with what are clearly symptoms/ indications that something is not right.

I was sent home by a radiographer after a mammogram that clearly indicated 'something unusual' with the words, 'If it doesn't go away, come back.' There was no offer of further investigation, no referral to a specialist. I knew the 'something unusual' was not normal for me, so I referred myself to a breast specialist who diagnosed my first breast cancer - and if I hadn't done that, well, I doubt I'd be sitting here today.

An historic 'gender bias' continues to exist within medical systems today, and has led to disparities in health care for women. Much has been written about this so I expect I am safe in saying it. My dismissal by the radiographer is an example. There is also the perception that women with breast cancer are fighters, warrior women, fighting a battle and becoming stronger as a result. This brings to mind the traditional 'hero's journey' (where the hero is male) when in fact women diagnosed with breast cancer kind of just get on with it. Sure it is shocking and horrible, and we need support, but there is nothing heroic going on and in fact, being compared to a hero, being called brave and strong, can actually add to the loneliness and isolation we feel during treatment and recovery, making us feel that maybe we aren't trying hard enough, we aren't living up to expectations, getting 'back to normal' quickly enough.

And there is no doubt at all that breasts sell. The recent Super Bowl featured an add by pharmaceutical giant Novartis, featuring nothing but breasts in all shapes and sizes, flashing across the screen in a dazzling mammary display - and what were they advertising? Breast cancer awareness, of course. Wonderful. If you haven't seen it, here's a Youtube link.  As an aside ... do we see ads like this for prostate or testicular cancers? Early detection of these matters too.

So if the Novartis ad with its flashing boobs can encourage more women to screen, be 'breast aware', then that is a good thing. However, I suspect most would look upon the ad and enjoy the visuals and music without giving much thought to the message behind it.

Yep, breasts are nice to look at, but when they go wrong, please listen to us. We know what we're talking about when we say, 'something isn't right here'.